Erase Addresses On The Address Bar


I would like to erase the saved addresses on the Address bar Autocomplete on an Aspire 5735-4624. How do I clear it?


What internet browser are you using?
For example internet explorer, firefox, opera, safari?




Open internet explorer.
Then click on tools and internet options.
Click on delete under browsing history.
Check everything except saved passwords leave that checked. (unless you want to delete those as well if you do leave it checked)
Then click on delete.
Restart internet explorer and there will be no more auto complete urls.


I have followed your instructions twice and it did not work.


Ok it sounds like it didn't work properly because it should have deleted this site as well.
There is a way you can force it to work, download and install CCleaner from here: Click Here
Install it and then close all internet windows including this one.
Open Ccleaner and then click on Run Cleaner.