Lenovo Screen Color Off


The color on my computer is not right. It has been this way for a long time and now I want to try to correct it. For example, the lenovo screen is either red or blue with red sparkles. When I use email the screen is okay.


If you move the screen back and forth does the color change at all?


Do you mean physically move the screen back and forth, like closing it and then angling it back?


Yes exactly


Sometimes yes and sometimes no.


Squeeze the bottom corners of the screen below the actual display but on the plastic part. Then see if the image gets better. The problem your having happens if the inverter is failing and needs to be replaced. It is a small chip behind the plastic at the bottom of the screen. Sometimes it gets loose and squeezing it like that will fix it. When it doesn't that part needs to be replaced. The part itself is pretty cheap usually around $20 or less and any local technician would be able to either get you one or replace the part for you.