I have windows 7 and the current version of windows live mail. I'm having trouble attaching and sending photo's from the photo gallery. The current version never gave me any problems. Is this an ongoing problem with the current version of windows live mail and is there an update available?
What happens when you try to?
I go to the photo gallery and select a picture. I hit the email option and click on attachment so i can pick the size, usually staying on the medium tag. Windows live email comes up looks good, you can see there's an attachment and I fill in my comments and send. Delivery failure every time.
What is the exact delivery error including any numbers?
The delivery failure notification in the last case - but they all fail.
5.4.7 - Delivery expired (message too old) 'DNS Soft Error looking up gmail.ca (MX) while asking recursive_nameserver0.parent. Error was: unable to reach nameserver on any valid IP'
5.4.7 - Delivery expired (message too old) 'DNS Soft Error looking up gmail.ca (MX) while asking recursive_nameserver0.parent. Error was: unable to reach nameserver on any valid IP'
Please send an email with attaching a picture does it go through ok?
What antivirus and firewall are you using?
I have McAfee antivirus installed and what email address should i use to try to send a generic pic?
Don't send any pictures just text and email anyone, using windows live mail and let me know if you get the same error.
I can send test emails and I can attach word and exel doc's. It's the picture part that has never worked.
Ok the error you are getting normally means it is having a problem connecting. Please try attaching the photos in the email from the pictures folder on your computer the way you would an excel document and see if the same thing happens.
Hi there,
I followed your instructions and emailed a pic of my cat to my gmail account. 10 seperate emails arrived and only one with the frame of the picture only the picture isn't there. The other 9 emails have lots of unreadable text.
I followed your instructions and emailed a pic of my cat to my gmail account. 10 seperate emails arrived and only one with the frame of the picture only the picture isn't there. The other 9 emails have lots of unreadable text.
Did you embed the image or send it as an attachment?
Open the one with the frame is there something you can click that says show images?
I sent it as an attachment. when i click on it my options are set as desk top back ground, rotate it etc.
That's strange as an attachment in the email you received you should have to click on a paper clip to open the picture. Please open that message again and see if there is a paper clip you can click on to open the image.
In Gmail it's click on view or download. I have tried to send the picture in the body of the email also with out luck. I have no problem sending pics with Gmail, and I never had any problems with the previous version of window live mail. Should i be contacting micro soft and getting another download of the program. This one came installed on my new lap top?
If it is the one that came installed you may be using windows mail and not windows live mail. Make sure you are using the latest version by downloading and installing it from here: Click Here
The icon on my desk top say's window live mail. If i download another one now will it copy over the existing one or does it create another one.
It will update your current one.
Oh awesome, I will click on the above item and give it a try while I have you online. is that ok?
Sure, take all the time you need.
I think it's installed, I'm going to try to send a pic from windows live mail account to my gmail account.
Take your time.
OMG! It's there and only one email and not a trail of ten!!!
Awesome! That just means you had an older version of windows live installed then.